Here's something very interesting, y’all. Both Hunger Games and Catching Fire are 27 chapters. Furthermore, they are both three sections. FurtherMOST, each section is 9 chapters. So if Mockingjay divides up this same way, and I’m assuming it will, that means that we will have three books of three sections. 9 sections of 9 chapters each. 81 chapters. What does it all mean? Uh, that Suzanne Collins likes threes? It’s an homage to Diana Wynne Jones's Power of Three
Also, it seems that we are going to have several first-time readers. So I just want to ask everyone to please do your best not to include spoilers, and if you do, give a big heads up. Think of it this way: with no spoilers, it will be like we're all reading this for the first time!
Schoolhouse Rock had it right: three is a magic number. What do I like about the number 3? That having three choices is always better than two. Who else among us foregoes options A and B for C? There's the right way, the wrong way, and then there's your way. Earth, Heaven, and Hell. I'm thinking that having three choices leaves a place for the imagination. Does any of that relate to this trilogy? We shall see!
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